Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Man, do I feel like I am out of the loop in life this past week...

My girls and I have been sick since last Friday - of course my Hub hasn't gotten it (lucky him). Didn't even step out of the house over the weekend (how sad)...Fever, runny noses (like a faucet turned on high), ear aches, crankiness, crying, sleepless name it and it arrived at my house over a 5 day period of time that quite honestly felt like an entire month. So, with ZERO energy to blog after taking care of both my sick girls I have lapsed in my blogger duties. I am disappointed, but today is a new day as is tomorrow and I have vowed to myself to get back in the rhythm of nightly blogging...not for anyone else, but for myself...

So, after a trip to the Doctor's office for both on Monday was concluded that they both have RSV (respiratory Virus) and ear infections in the right ear...yes, they for some reason mimic each other and have gotten ear infections in the same lovely...So, antibiotics they prescribed and home we went...and laying on the couch we did while watching Princess and the Frog 5 times...I think I know every word in that darn movie by now...Lexie sure does, she walks around the house saying "It's not slime, it's mucus!"...ha ha

So, after this almost week of Sickness in my house...I remind myself that I am a "glass half full" kinda gal and tell myself that it could have been so much could have gotten sick right after the other one (instead of at the same time as they did) and I would have spent more time cleaning up vomit and gotten less sleep...which would have probably prolonged my sickness even more...How sweet my girls are to help me by being sick at the same time...And I am sure my boss appreciates it as I was only off work one day instead of what could have possibly been and entire week.

So, with that being said..thank you to the powers that be for allowing my girls to get sick and vomit all over me at the same time...What would I have done without you???

Until tomorrow...

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