1. I am Thankful for my beautiful girls. They are healthy and happy and the lights of my life. They make my life complete. I smile just looking at them and remember when they were both born and how much love I have in my heart for them. It is so overwhelming to me I just cannot express it in words. Lexie is my comedic sassy pants who cracks me up at the things she says. And Sammie...well, she is my laid back "Angel Baby" and her smile is just so completely contagious. How did I ever get so lucky for God to bless me with my two amazing girls? Doesn't this picture just make you smile...? How could you not be Thankful for these two sweeties?

2. I am so Thankful for the amazing Husband that I have and all the wonderful things he does. And for the simple fact that he puts up with me makes me Thankful for him. No one on this earth would put up with me the way that he does. I know that sometimes I nag him too much and he still loves me...and sometimes I wonder why... I am Thankful for the laughter that he brings to my life and the smiles he puts on my face. I think I need to tell him more that I am Thankful for him...
3. I am Thankful for my family and wonderful friends. Without their love and guidence I truly feel that I wouldn't be the person that I am today. A big "Thank You" to all of you who have loved me and given me amazing advice...you know who you are...
4. I am Thankful for the roof over my head and my job that I am Thankful to still have in a horrible economy.
5. I am Thankful for Life...breathing is an amazing thing and I am Thankful that I get to breathe everyday as without those breaths, I wouldn't be here to see my girls grow and learn every single day.
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